Partial extraction (5000 rows) from the log (UTC update time): 12:57:01pm (page refresh time every 3 mins)

# Device ID User Callsign (only IT) Name Message Detail and suggestion
1Hotspot/App223032512IT9ICMGiuseppeauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

2Hotspot/App222358811IV3HCPLokitarauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

3Hotspot/App223087210IT9IUVSalvatoreauthentication failed

password not found - it is required to connect the master server

4Hotspot/App223097929IU8RYKGaetanoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

5Hotspot/App2225227IU5JJOIU5JJOauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

6Hotspot/App2228347IU8JLXAmadeusauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

7Hotspot/App228028101authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

8Hotspot/App222570611IT9HVDStefanoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

9Hotspot/App123456701authentication failed

password not found - it is required to connect the master server

10Hotspot/App206606810authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

11Hotspot/App223180613IU3UKJCarloauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

12Hotspot/App2220277I0YBFi0ybfauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

13Hotspot/App222740411IZ7FMJSIGNORILE LUCIANOauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

14Hotspot/App7221418authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

15Hotspot/App223097914IU8RYKGaetanoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

16Hotspot/App222834701IU8JLXAmadeusauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

17Hotspot/App222889801IT9BOERobertoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

18Hotspot/App2622411authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

19Hotspot/App222092602IS0GQXBrunoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

20Hotspot/App223032576IT9ICMGiuseppeauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

21Hotspot/App222872601IU8LMNIU8LMNauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

22Hotspot/App765432104authentication failed

password not found - it is required to connect the master server

23Hotspot/App222985002IU4EBIEduardauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

24Hotspot/App100012410authentication failed

password not found - it is required to connect the master server

25Hotspot/App223086004IU5NJHGiovanni Paoloauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

26Hotspot/App222552321IU7NKZMARCOauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

27Hotspot/App223140534IU7QDXAmerigoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

28Hotspot/App222023410IK0CHUauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

29Hotspot/App228600410authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

30Hotspot/App2230550IU3GPTCarmeloauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

31Hotspot/App222863922IK8JNVGIULIANOauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

32Hotspot/App2226606IU5LRHDanieleauthentication failed

password not found - it is required to connect the master server

33Hotspot/App222767810IT9ABKFrancescoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

34Hotspot/App222553399IZ0HDBDario Iz0Hdbauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

35Hotspot/App722006902authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

36Hotspot/App222297399IU2KULFrancoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

37Hotspot/App223070889IU4ONTDanieleauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

38Hotspot/App222406355IZ4HZAMauroauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

39Hotspot/App313495815authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

40Hotspot/App222715711IK7XLGLinoauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

41Hotspot/App7220364authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

42Repeater222186authentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device

43Hotspot/App222741701IW7BFNIW7BFNauthentication failed

incorrect password - check BM self care (hs password) and your device